Jill Houston (WA)

The Nationals Working Party is pleased to announce Jill has accepted an appointment for our Nationals event next year. Jill has been a staunch supporter of Agility here in WA since its inception and is a long standing judge who has also played an integral role in many of the major agility events of our calendar year. Jill has trained many different breeds over the years and is a top Obedience handler, instructor and judge.

Current dogs in Agility: Co- own FS CH HTM Gadhar Blue Chip JDM UD RM, run in Agility by daughter Amanda.

Started in Agility: In 1976 I joined a committee to introduce agility to wider participation
Started Judging Agility: In 1978 in the UK and 2001 in Australia
Where I have judged: UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Perth, Darwin, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide
Most Memorable Appointments: Too many to choose from but the most memorable memory is the reaction to Agility at its first appearance at Crufts Dog Show 1978 the crowd went wild!
What I love about judging: Designing the course then seeing if the handlers run it as I have designed it.